The phrase - Too good to be true - really is usually right...

8 months ago, I restarted this blog and made one post. HA!  The last couple lines were about me hating my current job.  It was not so much the job itself, it was the company.  I was there 12 years and so many things changed.  So much so, that I knew I did not belong there anymore.  

The quest for a new job and company I could love was a long one.  I did not find my new "dream job" until May.  I reached out to a "friend" that I worked with breifly about a year prior and asked if his new company was hiring.  Sure enough, they were - or so I was told.  A week later, I had a phone interview.  I really hit it off with my potential new boss.  Less than a week after that, I had a 2nd phone interview with HR and I really liked him too.  Another week goes by and BAM - job offer!!  I thought, WOW they have not even met me and they are hiring me that quick - I am so awesome!  

I started with the new company on June 1st.  Everyone seemed so great, loved the trainer and sailed through the training as well since it was so similiar to my last company, just a different product.  I had all these contacts from previous clients I could reach out to and work on setting meetings and making them new clients.  Everything seemed so good, except for the slowness.  I left a job where I had a few different hats so to speak and did many different things day to day.  I also traveled at least every month or so at the previous company.  I went to my new boss and said, Is there anything else I can work on? This was about a month in, maybe a month and a half since the first 2 to 3 weeks was a lot of training. Her response was "Don't worry about the down time you will be busy before you know it."  Then proceeded to tell me a story of when she started with the company years ago and how slow it was for her.  We had a good laugh and I felt better.  I just kept on working through my list of potential clients, people I had built relationships with from the previous company.  Some, that I consider actual friends.

The morning of August 11 started out pretty normal and I had a call set with the boss.  A call that we had every couple of weeks when schedule permitted.  This one was overdue, the previous one had been canceled.  I get on the call, I am feeling good - it is Friday after all. Then, I hear HR lady introduce herself.  My stomach flipped a little thinking this is weird but ok.  Maybe it is time for my actual 90 day review, it was about 2 weeks away for the actual 90 days.  She asked me how I was, I said GOOD, how are you?  All smiles on my face even though it was a phone call.  Then she says, we are close to your 90 day review and we have been reviewing things and have decided to let you go.................

Total shock came over me and I am stuttering all over myself.  I believe, I said What?  I am still in shock really, so forget what I said, let me go on with what she said..."We have decided to let you go because we are going in a different direction and we thought your progress with setting up meetings with your contacts would move more quickly."  More stuttering from me and really my response makes no difference in this story of hell.  Really, the stupid response from the boss, who I might add was very quiet the whole time until HR made her respond, does not matter much either.  I will tell you anyway though - she repeated that they thought I would have que'd up more meetings and she was sorry because my activity and record of that activity was really great but they were still letting me go.  

So, let's recap!  From the day I reached out to this company to the day I was hired was less than 3 weeks.  I went into this company with a list of potential clients, a LONG list.  I started on 6/1 - had about 3 weeks of training give or take and was let go on 8/11.  Anyone else thinking what I am thinking?  Just in case you have not come to the conclusion that I have - they USED me!!  I practically gift wrapped my list of potential clients for them.  

I have never been let go from a job since I started my professional career.  The waitress job I had when I was 16 and the jobs during and right after college don't count!  That happens to everyone in their youngin' years.  Now, don't get me wrong plenty of people lose their jobs and a lot of them are wrongly terminated or laid off.  In this messed up world it happens. People also get let go at the 90 days all the time because they screwed up or they were not cutting it.  This is different, I did nothing wrong and I was doing EXACTLY what they told me to do and then some.  Again, they used me.  The anger I feel will take weeks to go away.  

Which is why I felt the need to write it all down.  I hope that this will help me let go a little. Obviously, I am a professional and I cannot talk about this openly on FB and I cannot accuse them of what I believe.  I have no proof.  So, life goes on and I look for a new job. So, far no one has seen this blog.  Chances are no one ever will.  I am still deciding if I will even share it on FB to my friends.

So, life lesson - yep a really big one.  If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!😧


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