Passion for Fashion

My list of passions has always centered around creativeness, which is why I love fashion!  In my last post I mentioned photography and I almost went that route for a career.  However, I had fashion on the brain too and I loved to sew.  I ended up going to college at a small merchandising and design school in Arlington, TX.  Unfortunately, Bauder closed down years ago and I am not even sure my degree holds up, eek!  It does not matter though, the fashion gene is living strong in me over 20 years later.

I have been styling my friends for years, some of them knew it and asked for help while others got it whether they needed it or not.  One friend in particular was so clueless about what looked good and what did not that one day while we were doing our real jobs (the bill paying kind), I told her she should go home and change.  What she was wearing was so bad, I was embarassed for her.  I had no idea she would actually go home and change - but she did.  From that day forward she would always ask my opinion.  We lost touch for many years and reconnected on Linkedin not that long ago.  My first thought after reconnecting was that day, I told her to go home and change.

Let's back up a little....I got my degree in 1993 and started off doing pretty well with a few local clothing manufacturers.  I thought I had really made it in 1995 when I landed a job as a western shirt designer.  It was not exactly what I wanted, but it was pretty cool.  Then a few months into working there, I took a trip to Arvada, CO.  Everything changed during that trip because I met my future husband.  We will celebrate our 21 year wedding anniversary in October.  I came home from that 4 day trip and a few weeks later he was visiting me and a few weeks after that, I was visiting him in beautiful San Diego (US NAVY MAN).  A short 2 months after we met, I moved in with him in San Diego.  Yes, you read that correctly - I moved from Arlington, TX to San Diego, CA.  My parents were not happy with me and my best friends thought I was crazy.  22 years later (we were together a whole before getting married) both family and best friends love him.

So, with all that my life and fashion design career went out the window!  He was in the Navy and got shipped off to Guam.  We had a baby on the way too.  Moving to Guam is a post all by itself.  Anyway, we welcomed our first born into the world in November 1996 and I chose to stay home with him for the first 15 months of his life.  When I did decide I wanted to work again, fashion was not even on my radar - just finding a job.

In 1998, we moved back stateside and again finding a job was the goal not trying to restart a design career and it was next to impossible since we ended up in Indiana.  My career path over the next several years was as far from fashion as you could possibly get.  However, the designer and stylist in me is always right there.  So many conversations over the years with new friends and co-workers - what did you study and all that stuff....When I say I have a degree in Fashion Design - the response is ALWAYS similiar - "Oh wow, that totally explains your great style!"

This post is getting too long!  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be a stylist!  I think the only way that would ever happen is if I started out on my own.  I have been playing around with the idea of starting a page and seeing if I get an bites.  I have so many ideas.  Stitch Fix has nothing on me - other than they are making a fortune.


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