
Showing posts from August, 2017

Passion for Fashion

My list of passions has always centered around creativeness, which is why I love fashion!  In my last post I mentioned photography and I almost went that route for a career.  However, I had fashion on the brain too and I loved to sew.  I ended up going to college at a small merchandising and design school in Arlington, TX.  Unfortunately, Bauder closed down years ago and I am not even sure my degree holds up, eek!  It does not matter though, the fashion gene is living strong in me over 20 years later. I have been styling my friends for years, some of them knew it and asked for help while others got it whether they needed it or not.  One friend in particular was so clueless about what looked good and what did not that one day while we were doing our real jobs (the bill paying kind), I told her she should go home and change.  What she was wearing was so bad, I was embarassed for her.  I had no idea she would actually go home and change - but she did.  From that day forward she would al
I have many passions, one is photograpy.  The love of taking photos started long ago.  I got my first professional camera when I was 15 or 16.  This was back before digital cameras.  I still have it, a Nikon.  My cousin is a professional photographer and he picked it out for me.  I also have a zoom lens that used to make me feel really cool whenver I was out and about with my camera gear. 😎 Unfortunately, I have not used that camera in a very long time.  You do not even see a regular roll of film anymore in a typical store.  I have been thinking a lot about photograpy lately because my 13 year old is really into it as well.  I like to think he gets that from me. The flower shot above is from my flower garden in the backyard.  It was early summer and everything was starting to bloom.  It was probably around 9 pm and I had not noticed the new blooms earlier in the day.  I was outside with my trusty dog, Bear - it was potty time.  It was so perfect and such a beautiful shade of ora

The phrase - Too good to be true - really is usually right...

8 months ago, I restarted this blog and made one post. HA!  The last couple lines were about me hating my current job.  It was not so much the job itself, it was the company.  I was there 12 years and so many things changed.  So much so, that I knew I did not belong there anymore.   The quest for a new job and company I could love was a long one.  I did not find my new "dream job" until May.  I reached out to a "friend" that I worked with breifly about a year prior and asked if his new company was hiring.  Sure enough, they were - or so I was told.  A week later, I had a phone interview.  I really hit it off with my potential new boss.  Less than a week after that, I had a 2nd phone interview with HR and I really liked him too.  Another week goes by and BAM - job offer!!  I thought, WOW they have not even met me and they are hiring me that quick - I am so awesome!   I started with the new company on June 1st.  Everyone seemed so great, loved the trainer and sail